Tag Archives: Friends

Friends who Blog together, Stay Together

12310496_10208260614903034_3368832554536926381_n (1)Life is nuts. Anyone who says different is living in a box and not going outside much. That is why in this crazy journey we call life it is so important to have a tribe, a community, other people who you can rely in the moments when you aren’t even close to having your shit together.  This couldn’t be more important than when trying to raise kids and making sure they don’t turn into giant mutants who live your basement when you are 80.

I have been blessed beyond measure to ride through parenthood with some pretty swell gals who have slugged through the trenches with me. That saying “It takes a village to raise a child’ is one cliche I take to be a solid truth. No one does it alone. It is because of that concept that I met Jill. Our oldest kids have been in school together since kindergarten. I think it was in fourth grade when her son was Sebastian and my daughter was Ursula in the school play, that we truly got to know each other, and something clicked.  Knee deep in costumes for a lobster and a sea witch with tentacles like a squid, we became more than parents volunteering together, we became friends. Because let me tell you when you help costume over 50 kids in sea creatures outfits and help run herd on them together, when you come out on the other side your bond is pretty tight.

It is that bond that has led to one of the most important relationships in my life…..being friends with Jill Shrake. There is no one quite like Jill. She is loyal, smart, quick witted, loves a good story, and most of all she is talented in so many ways.  Jill has decided to take up blogging and impart on a new path in her life. She has decided to pursue blogging connected to freelance writing. I am here to tell you that you don’t want to miss out. “Why?” you ask. First, because Jill is one of the funniest damn people on earth. She can make me laugh until I  near pee my pants. Sometimes, my husband will call upstairs and say “why are you laughing so hard?” and my reply is “Jill!” I guarantee if you read her blog you will be endlessly entertained. She is a fantastic mother who is weathered some pretty big storms, only to come out on the other side stronger, wiser, and always ready to move forward. If you read her blog, you will learn from her. She will make you laugh, she will make you cry, and she will make you stop and think. Jill also takes some really badass photos, and we all need to be reminded of the beauty this world has to offer.

Queen Book Buff followers I am asking you to read and follow Jill’s blog. You will not regret it. My life is certainly better because I know Jill and I am certain your’s will be at the very least improved by listening to what she has to say.  So below you will find a link for her blog. Hit follow and get to know my friend. It was one of the smartest decisions I ever made.


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Filed under Just my thoughts, Life Changers